About Over 50’s Health

Our Focus … Your Strength, Nutrition, Heart & Mind Health!

6 Reasons Why Our Clients Love Us!

Over 50's Health Patrick Roesch Glenda Presutti and Jan Roesch training together

And Why We Know You’ll Love Us Too.

1. Our Goal Is Simple – To Help You Achieve Yours.

We learn what is important to you. Helping you achieve your fitness goals is our goal!

2. We Help You Set and Achieve SMART Goals.

We help you set goals so that we can test and measure your progress. We work alongside you to achieve your results, keeping you accountable along the way.

3. We Provide a Uniquely Personalised Service.

We understand that even though you will be part of our supportive fitness community, you still have individual fitness goals.

4. We Are Here To Help You Get Results!

We know what it takes to achieve your goals. We know and love strength training. We do it, and we support our clients to get the results they didn’t even know they could achieve!

5. We Are Qualified, Experienced & Supportive.

We have been taught by the best, we have been doing what it takes ourselves, and we love teaching our clients to do the same.

6. We Tailor Programs That Work Best For You.

There is no such thing as the one-size-fits-all with Over 50’s Health. We tailor your programs to suit your goals, your ability, your fitness level, and your training experience.

Over 50's Health Strength Training Jan Roesch 60kg RDL Romanian Deadlift

Strength Training

Strength Training is extremely beneficial for all ages, especially as we get older!

Over 50's Health Nutritious Meal to support your strength training and healthy lifestyle

Nutrition & Heart Health

Putting enough of the right nutrition into our bodies gives us the fuel we need to live well, and we must look after our heart health!

Strong Mind, Strong Body

Looking after our mental health works hand in hand with building and maintaining our physical strength!


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