How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals
How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Sick of putting in the effort but not seeing the results you expect?
Ok, guys, we’re gonna do some real talk today and list five of the reasons most people fail when it comes to making progress with their fitness goals.
1. Patience and Consistency
Results don’t happen over a day, a week, or even a few weeks.
Results take TIME, and time and consistency are the biggest factors for results.
People don’t see the results they want in a few weeks and they start to become impatient. If they don’t see the scale drop as much as they wanted it to or maybe it doesn’t drop at all they get ready to throw in the towel.
Just because we can have things delivered to us within a few days and we have instant access to nearly everything all the time doesn’t mean the same thing is going to happen for your results.
Keep putting in the time.
2. Who Are You Listening To For Your Fitness Goals?
In our heads, we have two different people in our heads. One of the voices is our leader and the other voice is the follower. When you are telling yourself ‘tomorrow I’m going to do task a, b, or c’ that is the leader talking because you’re setting yourself up for the day.
When you wake and can’t be bothered getting out of the bed because you’re tired, that’s the follower, not wanting to follow what they’re told to do.
It’s easy to let the follower sweet talk you into skipping out on the gym in the morning or not meal prepping because you’re busy or telling yourself you’ve worked hard so you deserve this cheat meal.
You’re letting the way you feel at a certain point in time dictate your actions and this is what can cause you to veer off track.
You need to not always act out of emotion and do what your ‘leader’ voice has set out for you.
The more you do what you have to do because you’ve set yourself a plan, the more likely you are to achieve the results you want.
3. Don’t Allow Your Mind To Play Games With You!
Going back to the leader vs the follower this also is an issue when you have constant arguments in your head with what you’re doing.
Am I training enough or hard enough?
Am I eating enough, am I eating the right thing?
I’ve read this thing and it says this but now I’m confused because I don’t know if it’s working for me.
It’s very easy to get caught up in your head and question what you’re doing because you can’t look at yourself objectively.
If you’re always questioning yourself or chopping and changing what you’re doing then you can hinder your progress.
Maybe you only needed to stick with what you were doing a little longer or maybe you’ve been doing the wrong thing the entire time but you just aren’t aware.
4. All Or Nothing Fitness Mindset
Starting again Monday when you fall off track.
Saying ‘ah bugger it’ it’s just one day.
I can’t get in a workout for an hour today so why should I even bother?
Something is always better than nothing.
If you eat a meal that wasn’t on plan, get back on track the next day, in fact, the very next meal! Don’t wait until Monday.
If you can’t do an hour workout, get a 30-minute workout done.
The all or nothing approach is ruining people’s efforts all the time.
A balanced diet is crucial for supporting muscle health. Make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamin D. Remember, what you eat is just as important as your exercise routine.
5. Too Many Chefs In The Kitchen
Social media has hundreds of online coaches that you are following and it’s hard to know who to listen to when people contradict each other.
One person tells you to do one thing another person says you need to be doing something else and now you’re not doing anything because it’s too confusing.
Just pick one person. One person who actually knows what they are talking about. One who has shown great results with the clients. Follow and listen to them for a few months, pick one person, apply their advice, don’t listen to anyone else, and see if it works.
If not find someone else but don’t try to follow too many people at a time otherwise you’re going to confuse yourself.
The great thing about a coach is that you only have one person you need to listen to to get results.
You don’t have to keep wondering whether you’re doing the right thing because a good coach knows what they’re doing. They will also tell you if you’re progressing fast enough and will take all of the guesswork out of what you’re doing.
In conclusion, making progress in fitness goals requires commitment, planning, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. By addressing these common pitfalls, you can set yourself up for success…..If you would like guidance, get in contact with one of the team from Over 50’s Health.